Wednesday 7 November 2018


The journey has been tough. The fight for what is rightfully ours has been our major motivation even with lots of challenges that came our way in the process. We anticipated them any way. This year records the highest degree of  growth and self dedication. Rising from nothing to reliable members of the team was the greatest achievement recorded with a huge number of first timers showing their worth.
Jesleen, a first year student who stared in our 2018 play entitled "THE HEIRESS" as Delilah, against all odds rose from totally raw talent to a professional in just a span of 3 months. She among very many others are a prove that passion, dedication ,handwork and discipline is the perfect recipe for growth. Her willingness to learn and a great spirit of competition stirred her great and unbelievable growth. She not only sustained the play but also was one of the major characters in the modern dance "THE BONDAGE" and the choral verse "KIAMBAZA".  
One other character who surprised many is Christine, a first year student who featured as Samantha in the play. She unbelievably and indisputably  owned the character Samantha (a character she had rejected at first) to become one of the best actresses we had this year. Her potential if fully explored can be one force to be reckoned with in this industry for she is a promising character to watch.   

Its never too late to post this. The BEST team in years. No need to explain more. They did it by themselves. I am a proud associate.
***Play - “The Heiress”***

2nd Runners Up Best Costume And Décor
2nd Runners Up Winning Play 
Dr. Stanley Bhebhe- 2nd Runners Up Best Play Producer
Mr Prosperous Pithon– Runners Up Best Scripted Play In English 
Mr Peter Mochache Ongaga & Martin Steven Odongo–2nd Runners Up Best Director 
Mcee Philo Pierre - 2nd Runners Up Best Actor 
Sheila Nkonge - Most Promising Actress

***Modern Dance – “The Bondage”***
Gassizo Kenya –Runners Up Best Choreographer
Runners Up Winning Modern Dance
Runners Up Best Costume And Décor

***Comedy - “Old Age Vs New Age”***
Performer- Ebuka Henry
Winning Comedy 
Best Presented Comedy 
Most Creative Comedy 
Best Costumes And Props
Best Comedian 
Adjudicators Award

***Mime – “The Swindler”*** 
2nd Runners Up Winning Mime 
2nd Runners Up Best Mime Performer 
2nd Runners Up Body And Costumes Make Up

***Solo Verse – “I Am Tired”***
Performer: @Sheila Nkonge 
Best Item On Peace And Integration 
@Sheila Nkonge - 2nd Runners Up Best Solovers Performer 
2nd Runners Up Best Costume And Decor 
2nd Runners Up Best Solo Verse Presentation 
2nd Runner Up Best Scripted Solo Verse